Publication of the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
During the 1930s, the Mother of God and our Lord Jesus Christ appeared often to the blessed Sister Amalia Aguirre in the city of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, communicating many messages of prayer, sacrifice, and penance. The teaching of a new Chaplet in honor of Most Holy Mary's Tears,The Crown of Tears also took place. The Mother of God gave this chaplet to the world once again as 'Chaplet of the Tears of Blood') in Montichiari, Italy.
On April 8th, 1930, the Mother of God revealed a new medal to Amalia Aguirre during an Apparition; the Medal of Her Tears, and asked that it be propagated to the whole world, because through it, would be carried out many great conversions and many souls would be saved. By an order of the Mother of God, the front of the Medal depicts the Lady of Tears handing Chaplet of Tears to Sister Amalia, just as it had happened during the Apparition of March 8th, 1930, with the words "Oh Most Sorrowful Virgin, Your tears overthrew the infernal empire" around it. On the back, the medal bears the image of Jesus handcuffed (tied during the Passion) with the following words: "By your divine meekness, Jesus handcuffed, save the world from the error that is threatening it."
Since then, the seer Amalia Aguirre, sought maximum disclosure. The Medal that she had received from the Mother of God having been such a big the disclosure in the early 1930s, especially in the United States and Germany, producing many extraordinary healings and conversions within thousands of souls. But soon after, an order from the Vatican condemned and prohibited the dissemination of these messages, the Chaplet and the Medal of Tears. The clergy had destroyed the work of conversion and salvation that the Mother of God was doing. Many souls that could have been converted and have been saved by the Messages, have been lost forever and the seer lived the rest of her life unjustly silenced and forbidden to disclose what the Mother of God had commanded her.
How much castigation of divine justice shall not have been attracted for this sin that cries to heaven for vengeance! The ingratitude, disobedience and wickedness of the clergy crushed the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus this heart full of kindness towards men remained unjustly in silence for long 70 years, until, in the Jacareí Apparitions, the Mother of God ordered the seer Marcos Tadeu to disclose the Messages that She had sent to the seer Amalia Aguirre and to disclose the Medal of Tears to the world, resurrecting and revealing what was once forgotten; Her work of Salvation, begun in Apparitions of Campinas in 1930, thus repairing the horrible sin committed by the clergy against those sacred Apparitions of the Mother of God.
Since then, the seer Marcos Tadeu started to unceasingly disclose the Messages, the Medal of Lady of Tears along with divulgation of the Chaplet of Tears, which since 1991 he has prayed every day (although not knowing its origin).
On September 16th , 2009, Mary made wonderful Promises in the Jacareí Apparitions for all those who wear the Medal of Tears with faith and love:
"My son, says to all my children that the Medal that I have revealed to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, was one of the biggest Graces that I gave to the world in all of time. This Medal, a sign of the infinite Love of My Immaculate Heart to the whole world, is about to be used for all My children as a sign of their consecration to Me and as powerful shield against all the attacks of my enemy. This Medal, which evokes the power of My Maternal Tears, and power of Divine Meekness, of My Son Jesus, in His redemptive Passion, will be a very powerful sign of Grace that will diminish the power of Satan in all those who wear it and in all places where it is.
I solemnly promise to all who wear the Medal of My Tears:
1. Will be defended by Me in all dangers of life.
2. Will not be dominated by the forces of hell throughout their life.
3 Will be protected by Me, from all attacks of the devil, as well as accidents caused by satanic influence, violence, harm, pests in their crops.
4 Will be covered by My Mantle in every need, and will be fortified by the virtue of My Tears at all moments of their lives.
5 Their families will be protected from the evils of Satan and will be filled with My Peace.
6. Will not fall into either spiritual or material misery, and if one should fall, they will leave that state shortly.
7 They will go out of Purgatory, on the same day they die.
8 Will find in the virtue of My Tears, and in the Meekness of the My Divine Son Jesus the wisdom and the divine light in the difficult times of their lives.
9 Will have the defense of my Immaculate Heart against all the temptations that lead to sin.
10 Will receive partial and plenary indulgences, particularly on March 8th (Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Tears, to the seer Amalia), on April 8th (day of the Revelation of the Medal of Tears, to the seer Amália) and on the Holy Saturday of each year, (formally of Our Lady), and throughout his life and at death’s hour.
11 Will have My special fondness in their life, and My defense on the day of final judgment.
12 Will have a special protection by the angels and saints who loved My maternal pains and tears most, and My eternal intercession along with God on their behalf, throughout their life.
13 Through this Medal, I will attract all sorts of God's blessings, upon those who use it.
Go, My son Marcos, My apostle and herald of My Tears, go and spread to everyone the Glories and the Power of My Tears, the Chaplet of My Tears, and My Medal so that I may soon get to the hearts of all My children , may reign in them, and triumph over the world. By virtue of this Medal of My Tears, My Immaculate Heart will triumph! Peace! "
Therefore, to wear the Medal of Tears is to posses a powerful shield against the forces of hell, is to always be under the protective Mantle of the Mother of God, is to always be holding hands with Her, wherever we are or wherever we go in life, and is to be able to console Her Maternal Heart, scorned by men that do not correspond to Her infinite Motherly Love that deigned to give to the world such a powerful way of salvation. Let us Propagate, the Messages, the Chaplet, and the Medal of Tears, as much as possible, so that the whole world be converted and the Heart of Mary reigns, as soon as possible, in all hearts so that ultimately God's Kingdom be established among us. Amen
Prayer Cenacles, all Sundays at the Shrine at 9 o'clock.
I pray Mary of tears. I know the pain you suffered. Ask your son to have mercy on my family living aand dead, and the sick . Ask your son to bring us all mercy and health, and to return each one to your mercy and glory
ResponderExcluirI Pray o immiculate hearts of Jeses and Mary and by the Tears of the Mother of God , I beg for mercy for my dead relations and for the holy souls, I eg you for the conversation of my family back to you. Send employment for Rory and Frances and heave mercy on all of those people who are despaarate today, Send me peace in work amen