My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, LORD, I will seek.
Do not hide your face from me,
do not turn your servant away in anger;
you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
God my Savior.
(Psalm 27:8-9)
Blessed Maria Pierina of Michelil (died 1945), the privileged messenger of the "Holy Face of Last Times," has received numerous apparitions of Our Lord and Our Lady. THEY asked for, the frequent and constant invocation of the Holy Face of Our Lord, through the aspiration: "Lord, show us Thy Face, and we shall be saved! ..."
Our Lady also showed her a scapular, where the Holy Face was with the words: "Ilumina Domine, super vultum tuum super nos), (Lord make Your face shine upon us!) On the other side around a Host were the words: "Mane nobiscum, Dominei" (Lord, stand with us!) Slowly Our Lady came and said:
"Listen well and communicate to your confessor that this Scapular is a 'defense weapon', 'shield of fortress' and 'pledge of mercy' that Jesus wants to give the world in these times of sensuality and hatred to God and the Church... Few are the true apostles! It takes a 'DIVINE remedy', and this remedy is the Face of My Son ... All those who wear the scapular, and who visit the Blessed Sacrament, making "A Holy Hour," every Tuesday to repair the insults He has received. Those who also continue to receive My Son, every day, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, will be strengthened in faith, will be ready to defend it, and they will bear all internal and external difficulties ... Furthermore, will die peacefully, under the gaze of My Son ... "
Sister Maria Pierina found much difficulty in getting of her superiors of the convent to meet the request of Mary to make this scapular. They not only refused to do so, but they prohibited from doing so. They took her for crazy and unbalanced. They did not believe in these Apparitions until one day, the Mother Superior of the convent was replaced. Sister Maria Pierina then told this new superior about Messages and Our Lady's request to make the Scapular. At first she did not believe but the TESTIMONY OF LIFE AND HOLINESS of Sister Maria Pierina convinced her of the veracity of the Apparitions and agreed to help. Nevertheless, she told Sister Maria Pierina "- Tell to Our Lady that I can not make the Scapular, but if she accepts, I will make a Medal of the Holy Face with the inscriptions that She has asked for." Sister Pierina then asked the Virgin if she would accept the medal. Our Lady accepted. It was then minted the Medal of the Holy Face and spread over the world but, unfortunately, neither the Holy Face of Our Lord, nor the Medal are known yet, and loved as the Blessed Mother and Our Lord Jesus Christ had wanted.
Blessed Maria Pierina of Michelil,and HOLY FACE MEDAL

Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
On the big beads:
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Ghost ...
as it was in the beginning, both now and forever,
by the ages of ages. AMEN
On the small beads:
Lord, show us Thy Face, and we shall be saved! ..
On then last three beads:
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Ghost ...
as it was in the beginning, both now and forever,
by the ages of ages. AMEN
"Oh adorable Face of the Divine Redeemer, mirror of suffering, holy emblem of pain. For those atrocious torments suffered onThy Cross, accept torture, to console Ye, Jesus."
On the Cross:
On the three first beads:
"Holy Face of the Lord, blaze us, on Your Love"
On the big beads:
"For all that ye suffered for our salvation, Put an end to our sorrow! Alleviation in our affliction!"
On the small beads:
Holy Face of Lord, do alleviate our pain"
At the end of each Mystery:
"Lord Holy Face, do soothe our pain.
"Oh my good Jesus, who wants to save the world today, with that infinite love with which it was created and redeemed, include me also, among those who want to work for the triumph of Thy kingdom of love on earth. Receive, for this purpose, the total surrender of my whole being. Dispose of me. I want to spread the image of Thy Divine Face so that in all souls, Your image may be renewed. Jesus, operate out miracles of conversion. Call apostles for this new era, which in turn, should take care of, this new mission. That Thy Merciful love’s waves spread over the whole world, sinking and destroying evil. Renew the earth and cause it to men, feeling their hearts filled with love, turn back to live the Holy Gospel in the light of the sun that is Your Face. AMEN."
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