The Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception
The Blue Scapular has its origin with the apparition of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception to the Venerable Sister Ursula Benincasa, founder of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Teatinas, in Naples, Italy on February 2,1617. On the front, the scapular bears the image of the Blessed Virgin, The Immaculate Conception, which always pray for us in every moment of our lives, freeing us from sin and plots of the enemy. On the back, the Apparition of Our Lady to the Sister Ursula Benincasa is depicted. In this apparition, Our Lady asked Sister Ursula that the Blue Scapular be widespread among all Her sons, promising all the faithful who use it with devotion:
1 – Everyone will be covered by Her Sacred Mantle.
2 - They will have Her defense against all the snares of the enemy that lead us to sin.
3 - Plenary and partial indulgences, both in life and in death
4 - Cure of diseases
5 - Fortress of faith in the face of difficulties
6 - A good death assisted by the sacraments of anointing and reconciliation
7 - Light and Wisdom of God in difficult times
8 - The defense of Our Lady on the day of final judgment
9 - A shield of Graces against all the dangers
10 - Her eternal intercession, before Jesus and many Graces.
This apparition came to prepare the world for the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary by the church, which happened on December 8, 1854.
Some Saints who have used and has divulged the Blue Scapular:
St. Alphonsus Liguori (L750), GREAT PROMOTER OF THE MARIAN DEVOTION, used and taught the devotees of Our Lady to always have the protection and Grace of Mary.
Saint Dominic Savio (l842-l857) constantly wore the Blue Scapular. On 08/06/1856, he founded a brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception, thus, spreading this devotion of the Blue Scapular. On September 12, 1856, he went to Turin, Italy, to attend to his mother who was in danger of dying from A COMPLICATED PARTURITION. Takes with him the Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception, and only imposes upon his mother, Mrs. Bridget, that she gives light quietly to his little sister Catherine.
Pope St. Pius X (l903-l9l4) used it with great devotion on his chest as a constant sign of his love for Mary.
Blessed Mother Ursula Benincasa always received many letters from ladies of European nobility and from many devout people of Our Lady who wore the Blue Scapular, attesting that they had achieved many thanks and such rich cures, achieved through this Scapular.
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God and powerful advocate of sinners, in the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, of all the Heavenly Court, of her most chaste spouse, St. Joseph, of the glorious St. Cajetan and St. Michael the Archangel, whom I choose especially by my advocate in my spiritual and temporal needs, penitent of all my sins, I turn to you and offer his homage, my praise and my love.
To the honor and glory of your sweetest Son Jesus, I consecrate myself and give myself to You as Your faithful servant, and I offer my heart, for that You always free me of all bad thoughts, and from all evil forces of this world.
Driven by an ardent desire to live and die under thy blue mantle of Your Immaculate Conception, and now with all my soul I tell you, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, poor sinner now and at the hour of my death, so that I can sing one day in Heaven with St. Joseph and St. Cajetan, Glory be to the Father, to the Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
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