"My beloved children, I am the Mother of God, I am Theotokos, your Mother.
Early in this New Year that begins, I have come to tell you I AM THE MOTHER OF THE NEW TIME, the new time of Grace that God grants ye, with the dawning of this New Year.
I am the Mother of the new time of Grace, and therefore, call you to a deep conversion, to a profound change in life, and truly reshape all your life according to the will of God, His Law of Love, with My Messages, so that your life will always be a signal of God's love and My love in the world among men, and ye that are light in the midst of so much darkness that has now descended upon humanity.
I am the Mother of the new time of grace and that's why I call you all to an urgent return to God. I come to call the world to conversion for the last time, after that My Apparitions here in Jacarei have finished, I will never return to this world.
Thus, My children, this is the last chance that God and I give to all mankind and to every one of you. Do not throw away your salvation. Do not play with something as serious as this time of grace that God gave ye, while My Apparitions here last.
While I'm here giving My Messages to the whole world and also to ye, I can also help ye to convert, to save ye, I can draw you nearer to God, I can ever more, take ye until God. The time will come that My Apparitions will cease, and then those who scream for Me calling Me, to these I can no longer help. I cannot do anything else for them because the time of mercy and clemency will have already passed. Know, and therefore, recognize the time of My visit and do as St. Elizabeth, Zacharias and little John the Baptist did; exult with joy in God for My presence here. Know and listen to the words that I tell ye. Know to recognize Jesus, know to recognize the Lord that I bring with Me in My Apparitions, to give you, to reign in ye and in your lives.
Receive him! Accept it! Love him! Follow him! Hear My maternal voice, that orders ye all: throw open the doors of your hearts to Christ. So, truly you'll valorize the grace of My presence, and of My Apparition here, and truly ye shall give Me, what I came here looking for from Heaven 20 years ago, and what I never tire of asking you: LOVE! True love, supernatural love, profound love on pure transformation, by God and Me, by the salvation of souls, and by yourselves. Save your souls by praying, doing penance, divulgating My Messages, thus by helping Me to save the souls of the others, ye will predestine your own souls, to Heaven and Salvation.
My children, I am the Mother of the new time of grace, which the Lord hath given ye in this New Year because I want to follow with you in your conversion. I want to continue the process of your sanctification, leading ye ever higher, ever closer to the Lord, always, so that ye may become more holy and more similar to my son Jesus and Me. Therefore, I ask you a greater docility, greater confidence, a greater surrender in My Hands, a higher waiver of yourselves, and the world, so that you may be docile instruments in my hands, so that I accomplish through you, My Plan of Salvation for all of humanity.
I am the Mother of the new time of Grace, which the Lord has granted ye, and that's why this year I will pour upon you like never before, the Effective Graces of My Immaculate Heart. And if you cooperate with My Grace, if ye help My Grace, I'll truly do extraordinary things through you.
In these times of great apostasy, of the great tribulation, on what the darkness of sin, of evil, lack of faith, loss of faith, of apostasy ended up and has overlaid the entire world. Even the Catholic Church, which is the only one true, unique way to salvation, My daughter is disfigured. The church is covered with sores, because many of its ministers and its faithful no longer pray, do not have the true faith, and have assimilated the mistakes of the world that are now taught and propagated as truth, as a good.
In these times where everything collapses, and finishes, I come to call you to be my faithful children that ye may be my good toilers, good workers that rebuild My Holy Church with Me, defend the holy Catholic faith, save the souls of My children, and lead them all to safe refuge of My Immaculate Heart, before it gets dark, and falls the night of the great tribulation. So I send my children, not to the amenities of the world, but to fight, to work, to tussle for the salvation of souls that I love so much and cost all the blood of My Son Jesus. Thus, by helping Me to save these precious souls in the world, I can hasten the time of the glorious and miraculous triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Confidence My children, in this new time of Grace, in this new year that God gives ye, because your Mother has everything already planned and drawn, already has Her victorious plan, successful, fully drawn by Her and by the Holy Trinity, in smallest details.
Do not lose hope, do not lose courage and confidence, follow in peace because your Mother in Heaven, even knows how many hairs you have, knows how many times your heart beats, and won't allow the enemy to prevail upon you. Therefore, My children, move ahead, because I am with you along with My Son Jesus and Joseph, as My Son Jesus, have promised ye, until the end of the world. And by the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, because on My Immaculate Conception, in My YES I've overcome the world, I have overcome, Satan.
To everyone in this time, I do bless you generously, from Fatima, from Kerezinon, and from Jacareí...
Stay in the Lord's Peace... Peace be to you, Marcos, The most darting of My children..."

"My beloved children, My Loving Heart blesses you today as this New Year is born, and gives ye Peace. Be not afraid! My Loving Heart is with you. It is your shield. It is yours refuge, and seeking refuge in It, you will be protected and defended from all evil.
As well as I have not failed in the care, of the Child Jesus and the Immaculate Virgin, the two Greatest Treasures of the Eternal Father, I also will not fail with ye, that are the blessed race of the Lamb of God, and the Woman clothed with the sun.
Will keep ye, will protect ye, and defend ye, forever! And today, I come to call ye to grow more in love, trust and docility to Me, so that, My Flame of Love descends, and powerfully triumphs in ye.
MY FLAME OF LOVE SHOULD DESCEND and triumph in ye, in this new year that is born, and that's why you shall to come back now with all your love, to My Paternal Heart, because My Heart wants to bestow upon ye His Flames of Love, to blaze ye, ever more of love for the Lord, and making you grow in virtue and holiness. Therefore, I want your total unreserved, “yes” to My call of love today, so I can kindle My Flame in ye today, so that, I can turn ye, into bright torches, that brighten this world shrouded in darkness of evil, of sin, of apostasy and hatred.
My Flame of Love should come upon your hearts and triumph in ye, and so I want you to intensify your prayers, always asking for the outpouring of My Flame of Love that will prepare you for the Second Pentecost, which draws nearer to you.
My Flame of Love shall to descend and triumph on ye, and that is why, I ask ye to imitate, the love that the Saints had for Me, especially my daughter Teresa of Avila, Andre Bessette, and many others that loved Me, with so much strength and intensity. So that through you I can also accomplish admirable things, can convert many sinners, and make shine, ever more, the Glory that the Holy Trinity has given Me, so that sinners are not afraid to approach the Lord through Me, because I am a loving Father, merciful and sweet. In Me there is nothing terrible, nor severe, I love sinners and desire to lift them out, of the mire of sin in which they have fallen. Therefore, I extend My hands a thousand times per day, if needed, to the sinner who calls Me, that calls Me with confidence and surrenders completely to Me, asking Me to help him to convert himself, and to return to the Lord.
My Heart will never reject, never say no, to one who asks Me, “My beloved father Joseph, save me!” To the sinner who invokes Me, even if his sins are darker than the night, if he invokes Me with confidence and love, I will not reject him, will not leave him, but will take him in My arms, as I did with the Child God, and then and there, I will to carry him again to the House of the Father, reconcile him with the Lord, and with the Blessed Virgin, will cleanse, will heal his wounds opened for his sins, and I will give him, a new beauty, a new life in God.
My Loving Heart, will pour out His Flame of Love upon ye copiously the more you open your heart to Me, and give Me access to your heart. So dilate it, open it widely for Me, and in this year, I will pour My Flame of Love over ye so much that you shall fuse with God, as metals are fused in the fire.
I wish to lead ye, to an extreme holiness, so I want your, “yes”. I open to ye the door of My Loving Heart that is, and will always be, your refuge. Enter upon It, and I will keep ye, nourish, teach, and will carry ye, ever more, to the Heart of Jesus.
To everyone in this time, I do bless ye generously, from Bethlehem, from Nazareth, and from Jacareí...
Peace, My beloved children, stay in the Lord's Peace, I cover ye with My Mantle..."
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