My beloved children! My IMMACULATE HEART calls you again to Peace!
Only praying for peace, only protecting PEACE with fervent prayers, first in your hearts, then in the hearts of the whole world, you will be able to truly live in PEACE, spread PEACE, and make PEACE reign in all humanity.
A person who doesn't pray cannot be in Peace, nor can a family or a people that does not pray. So, turn back to prayer, so that Peace may return to you.
God only gives Peace to those who pray and pray a lot! Without prayer, men will never have PEACE living in sin and offending God every day. All men must put the Rosary back in their Hands. By turning back to prayer, and to them will return the Peace.
In these bad times, in these troubled times of great tribulation, of great apostasy in which your hearts are plagued every day by painful events that so often make ye suffer, I come to bring ye the divine remedy, the heavenly remedy: PEACE TO YOUR HEARTS THAT I GIVE generously to ALL THOSE WHO ANSWER 'YES' TO THE CALL FOR PRAYER AND PENANCE AND SACRIFICE THAT I HAVE MADE EVERY DAY HERE THROUGH MARCOS my son, TO THE WHOLE WORLD, FOR THE LAST 21 YEARS.
Those who answer me 'yes' although they suffer, although they are misunderstood even by their most loved ones, although they are persecuted and hampered all ways, and everywhere, they enjoy a deep PEACE in their hearts, PEACE that the world does not know, Peace that the world does not have, because it does not pray the Rosary, because the world does not walk in My School of Prayer, of Penance and Sanctity. I will give this PEACE only to My obedient students, whom have followed Me down the road of prayer, conversion, self denial, of holiness; those whom follow with Me all day on the road of the true PEACE and of TRUE LOVE.
This army of peaceful souls that I drive every day with my Messages, on the way of prayer is the army of the true children of God who will be called and will be known, in fact, as true children of God and My true children.
So, little children: pray, pray INCREASINGLY, since only with the great power of prayer, will you be able to make PEACE triumph in your lives, in your families and worldwide. You won't achieve anything through arguments. Only with prayers you will achieve Peace, the conversion of sinners, HARMONY IN FAMILIES, and CONCORD AMONG THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.
With prayer, you overcome Satan and all of hell. With prayer, you also overcome your greatest and worst enemy: sin, your evil inclinations, your own "self" rebel who resists God's will and so, you become winners against yourselves, winners against the devil and winners from around the world!
With prayer you win over sin, with prayer you reach out all Good, and all Grace. That's why, I have called ye many times to pray for peace. That's why I have invited ye many times to defend Peace with many and ardent prayers, because only thus can you find that peace, which since the beginning of My Apparitions Here, I have promised ye and offered ye.
Move ahead. Do not be afraid. I'm with ye! Take the messages which I give here through My child Marcos, My servant most devoted, to the knowledge of all My children, for everyone to convert themselves and everyone can finally find Peace.
Here in this sacred place where I am more glorified, more comforted, more exalted, more obeyed and served, especially and primarily by my son Marcos as the most hard working and dedicated servants of My children, and then, by many that respondimg to My calling and imitating the example of my son Marcos made of their life, a life of prayer and sacrifice, work, love and generosity to Me for the salvation of souls. Here, My Immaculate Heart is Its delight, finds Its rest, Its Glory and Its most perfect praise. Here with you. I will accomplish what I have accomplished in the life of my son SAINT GIOVANNI BOSCO, which you are celebrating in these days, I'll be for ye a Master, who will give you a wisdom that will dwarf all other wisdom. In all those here who love Me, respect Me as Mother, as Teacher, in all those who are docile to my direction, are docile to my teaching, as was the SAINT GIOVANNI BOSCO, I promise to do so many wonders, as I have done in his life , will give ye the divine wisdom of Heaven, I will give ye the Divine Love, will give you the fortitude, temperance, will give ye the final perseverance, I will give ye all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that in you, My name may be glorified and hence from here may also goes out to the whole world, My Glory.
I want to form here the great Saints, that My son Louis MARIE DE MONTFORT prophesied that I would raise in the end times. For this, I ask ye more prayer, obedience and unreserved surrender, in My Hands.
And I will accomplish in you the extraordinary works that I have made in the life of My Saints for the greater glorification of the Holy Trinity.
Onward! My warriors, my knights. Go! Lead My Word, My Messages to all my children who still do not know Me, because I still have many lost sheep of the flock, to rescue to bring back to the safehold of My IMMACULATE HEART.
Time is short. Do not waste time! Go! I will speak. I will act. I will do everything through ye. Go and lead only the Messages, which I give here, and My Immaculate Heart will do the rest will complete in ye, is in your weakness, that I will show my Strength.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I have given ye here. I Love ye so much! And I never leave ye. I am your Mom, and I am at your side every day.
See that all the prophecies that I gave you in LA SALETTE, in Fatima, in Heroldsbach, El Escorial, and in many places as well as here, are already fulfilled in the world. Get in betimes, in the refuge of My Immaculate Heart, for there, the Heavenly Mother will give you ever more, protection, peace, kindness and Love.
To everyone in this moment I do bless from la Codosera...from Umbe...and from Jacareí...
(Big Pause)
MARCOS TADEU "-THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (Pause)...Yes, now it is underway, and as soon as I have it already, I'll put. (Pause)
So I was right, was an inspiration of Yours, that I had? (pause) I'm glad that You approved of the idea! (pause)
Yes .. Yes .. See you soon!.. "(Pause)
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